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As a creative writer, of course I have my own books!
Most of them are inspired by real stories, legends, and myths which I flavor with my personal touch of humor and satire to create new stories with unexpected plot twists.
Unfortunately, they are only available in Spanish… for now!


La Leyenda de Sant Jordi

Illustrated by: Erich N. Bou

Everyone in Catalonia knows the famous legend of Saint Jordi, and now it's time to find out what really happened in that village dominated by a dragon!

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La Leyenda del Rey Arturo

Illustrated by: Silvia Piña

Of course, everyone knows the legend of the famous King Arthur of Camelot. What few people know is that in reality his right-hand and great wizard Merlin may not have been as much of a wizard as he seemed…


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La Segunda Venida de Cristo

Illustrated by: Silvia Piña

Everything was going normally on Earth until three friends in the middle of a drunken binge decided to play Ouija board out of boredom. In this impromptu session they unwittingly came into contact with an unexpected entity and, before they knew it, found themselves involved in a divine mission to prevent the destruction of the Earth —somewhat reluctantly and, above all, because they live there—.


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